Risograph Print #07 "En Route" meandering path — Risograph Print #07 "En Route" meandering path Risograph Print #02 "En Route" junction Risograph Print #02 "En Route" junction —

Risograph Print #05 “En Route” mountain road


Determine your own route!

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            [description] => A Risograph print for on the wall.
Each print is a part of a road, initially I designed these prints by cutting 2 colors of tissue paper and laying them on top of each other, because the two colors are translucent a 3rd color is created. Then I made a Riso print out of it. You can hang them next to and under each other, making your own route and deciding for yourself how many to hang. In total there are 18 different road sections.

A5 size, which is 14.8 cm wide x 21 cm high. On 250 gram paper. Printed with soy ink.

Every print is slightly different because of the Risograph technique which makes every print unique.

All prints are signed.

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A Risograph print for on the wall.
Each print is a part of a road, initially I designed these prints by cutting 2 colors of tissue paper and laying them on top of each other, because the two colors are translucent a 3rd color is created. Then I made a Riso print out of it. You can hang them next to and under each other, making your own route and deciding for yourself how many to hang. In total there are 18 different road sections.

A5 size, which is 14.8 cm wide x 21 cm high. On 250 gram paper. Printed with soy ink.

Every print is slightly different because of the Risograph technique which makes every print unique.

All prints are signed.