Crocus ochre, large wooden flower. — Crocus ochre, large wooden flower. Crocus natural, large wooden flower. Crocus natural, large wooden flower. —

Crocus peach, large wooden flower


Large wooden flower as an object on the wall.

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            [name] => Crocus peach, large wooden flower
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            [description] => For Atelier Toit (which is a new brand from Studio Roof) Jantien Baas has designed a series of super large flowers. Made of birch plywood and hand painted in Amsterdam in the own studio of Atelier Toit and Studio Roof. You can attach the flowers to your wall with 2 nails. A special object for your wall. Each flower is available in 3 variations. The crocus is available in ochre, in peach and in natural lacquer.
Because everything is handmade and on request, the delivery time is about 2 weeks.

Crocus size 170×10×21.5 cm.

            [short_description] => Large wooden flower as an object on the wall.
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Share this product: 

For Atelier Toit (which is a new brand from Studio Roof) Jantien Baas has designed a series of super large flowers. Made of birch plywood and hand painted in Amsterdam in the own studio of Atelier Toit and Studio Roof. You can attach the flowers to your wall with 2 nails. A special object for your wall. Each flower is available in 3 variations. The crocus is available in ochre, in peach and in natural lacquer.
Because everything is handmade and on request, the delivery time is about 2 weeks.

Crocus size 170×10×21.5 cm.