Fabric light blue | grey 0,5m — Fabric light blue | grey 0,5m fabric darkgreen | petrol 0,5m fabric darkgreen | petrol 0,5m —

fabric grey | light blue 0,5m


WC_Product_Simple Object
    [object_type:protected] => product
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    [data:protected] => Array
            [name] => fabric grey | light blue 0,5m
            [slug] => fabric-grey-light-blue-05m
            [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                    [utc_offset:protected] => 0
                    [date] => 2019-11-19 21:58:56.000000
                    [timezone_type] => 3
                    [timezone] => Europe/Amsterdam

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                    [date] => 2023-09-20 17:07:30.000000
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                    [timezone] => Europe/Amsterdam

            [status] => publish
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            [catalog_visibility] => visible
            [description] => The fabric has a width of 150 cm.

100% cotton, from Italy and Oeko tex 100 certified. This means that the fabric does not contain any harmful substances... This is better for your skin and health.

The printing of the fabric is done in the Netherlands with inks that have the GOTS quality mark. This hallmark imposes requirements on factories with regard to the use of harmful chemicals. In addition, factories are obliged to use a sustainable waste water system and to use water and energy sparingly.

It is a thin fabric, 140 grams. Very suitable to combine with one of the other colours of fabric.

The fabric can be ordered per half meter.
If you want 2 meters of one fabric, you order 4 pieces of half a meter. You will then receive one piece of 2 metres by 150 cm.

            [short_description] => 
            [sku] => 
            [price] => 15.75
            [regular_price] => 15.75
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            [weight] => 0.2
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                                    [variation] => 


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                                    [id] => 0
                                    [name] => Soort stof
                                    [options] => Array
                                            [0] => Canvas
                                            [1] => katoen

                                    [position] => 1
                                    [visible] => 1
                                    [variation] => 1



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Share this product: 

The fabric has a width of 150 cm.

100% cotton, from Italy and Oeko tex 100 certified. This means that the fabric does not contain any harmful substances… This is better for your skin and health.

The printing of the fabric is done in the Netherlands with inks that have the GOTS quality mark. This hallmark imposes requirements on factories with regard to the use of harmful chemicals. In addition, factories are obliged to use a sustainable waste water system and to use water and energy sparingly.

It is a thin fabric, 140 grams. Very suitable to combine with one of the other colours of fabric.

The fabric can be ordered per half meter.
If you want 2 meters of one fabric, you order 4 pieces of half a meter. You will then receive one piece of 2 metres by 150 cm.


Additional information


blauw, grijs

Soort stof

Canvas, katoen