Popout card Amelia — Popout card Amelia Gardens of Agnès, flowers 5 pieces. Gardens of Agnès, flowers 5 pieces. —

Juliet’s field, flowers 5 pieces.


Studio Roof X Jantien Baas

WC_Product_Simple Object
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            [name] => Juliet’s field, flowers 5 pieces.
            [slug] => juliets-field-flowers-5-pieces
            [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                    [utc_offset:protected] => 0
                    [date] => 2021-04-04 10:57:11.000000
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                    [timezone] => Europe/Amsterdam

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            [description] => This collection reminds us that true beauty is in its most natural form - flowers. They radiate joy with their jubilant colours and infuse your home with happiness and good times. Gift yourself or your surroundings this symbol of love and a promise that summer is coming!

A collaboration between Studio Roof and Jantien Baas has led to a collection with flowers. This is a bouquet of 5 flowers. Nice to put in a vase and to brighten up your room or for example to hang on your wall with masking tape. All the flowers have two colours, the front and the back, so you can choose which colour you want to be visible.
Also nice to give someone in the hospital a bunch of flowers, on some sections real flowers are not allowed. Then this is a nice solution!

Extra information:

3D object to assemble. Comes flat packed;
Made from recycled cardboard and printed with vegetable-based inks;
Height of one flower when assembled: 40 cm / 15.7″;
2 x A3 sheet with 11 pieces to take out and assemble;
Assembly instructions can be found on the inside of the packaging.

            [short_description] => Studio Roof X Jantien Baas
            [sku] => 
            [price] => 29.95
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Share this product: 

This collection reminds us that true beauty is in its most natural form – flowers. They radiate joy with their jubilant colours and infuse your home with happiness and good times. Gift yourself or your surroundings this symbol of love and a promise that summer is coming!

A collaboration between Studio Roof and Jantien Baas has led to a collection with flowers. This is a bouquet of 5 flowers. Nice to put in a vase and to brighten up your room or for example to hang on your wall with masking tape. All the flowers have two colours, the front and the back, so you can choose which colour you want to be visible.
Also nice to give someone in the hospital a bunch of flowers, on some sections real flowers are not allowed. Then this is a nice solution!

Extra information:

3D object to assemble. Comes flat packed;
Made from recycled cardboard and printed with vegetable-based inks;
Height of one flower when assembled: 40 cm / 15.7″;
2 x A3 sheet with 11 pieces to take out and assemble;
Assembly instructions can be found on the inside of the packaging.