Tray stripes Lilac | green 33 x 21 cm. — Tray stripes Lilac | green 33 x 21 cm. Trivet stripes red | cream Trivet stripes red | cream —

Trivet stripes Lilac | olive-green


A series of trivets with stripes!

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            [description] => A new collection!

Stripes, drawn with markers in different colour combinations. These stripes were then turned into a Riso print. This riso print is incorporated into the coaster.

All coasters are produced in Sweden and are made of MDF, paper and a layer of melamine.

There is a hole in it so you can also hang it up. Can also be used as a small serving board for small snacks, for example.

The coaster cannot be put in the dishwasher and should be washed by hand. Size: diameter of 21 cm.
            [short_description] => A series of trivets with stripes!
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A new collection!

Stripes, drawn with markers in different colour combinations. These stripes were then turned into a Riso print. This riso print is incorporated into the coaster.

All coasters are produced in Sweden and are made of MDF, paper and a layer of melamine.

There is a hole in it so you can also hang it up. Can also be used as a small serving board for small snacks, for example.

The coaster cannot be put in the dishwasher and should be washed by hand. Size: diameter of 21 cm.